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Science Research Parent Meeting

By Alisha Ahmed

On Wednesday, October 4th, the WPHS Science Research program conducted a parent meeting in the media center.

Parents had the opportunity to view the research projects of students and learn about the program's numerous advantages during the meeting. Ms. Fleming, the course teacher stated, “The purpose of [the event] is to make sure the parents understand what’s involved in the program and mostly provide an opportunity for them to learn about the students research projects and the program.”

Science Research is a three-year honors science elective that goes from sophomore year to senior year. Students research a topic they are interested in over the course of three years, develop a proposed study, conduct the experiment, and submit a finished research paper. When competing at science fairs and presenting to judges, one of the skills that students obtain during the program is effective presentation and communication tactics. Additionally, the course includes instruction on how to write scientific papers as well as writing techniques including coherence, clarity, and conciseness. Students who enroll in the program and complete the course can earn 12 college credits from SUNY Albany. On college applications, earning college credits while still in high school looks fantastic.

Dr. Margaret Hawthorne Doty, the coordinator of science and engineering was at the event and said she was “very proud of the program [and] we’ve been one of the premier programs in Westchester… and we are incredibly proud of the students.” Along with Dr. Doty was Debbie Hand, the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction who stated, “The Science Research program provides opportunities for students to do real world research and to dive into subject areas they have an interest and passion for.” At the parent meeting, there was a variety of scientific fields represented such as behavioral science, plant science, neuroscience, etc.

The Science Research event was a way for parents to engage with students and see their remarkable projects.

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