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WPHS Helps Save Lives: 2017 Winter Blood Drive


By Anastasia Meininger

On Tuesday December 19th , the White Plains High School SADD, or

Students Against Drunk Driving, club held their 2017 winter blood drive.

SADD club leader and Student Assistance Counselor, Susan Murphy,

brought in New York Blood Center to carry out the Blood Drive.

Down in the WPHS South Gym, a little over 100 people, mixed of

students as well as faculty, came to donate their blood. The nurses of New

York Blood Center were the ones actually taking the blood, however SADD

members were there to run the event.

Students in the club, who were not old enough to donate their blood,

checked people in at the door, brought in and helped give food to those who

had just donated, and helped to assist donors in walking to the tables to eat.

Club members, Charlottle Saville and Rena Zisser, both said that it was

amazing seeing the amount of people who came to help save lives and that

being able to help was a great opportunity.

That day, WPHS collectively donated 72 units of blood. For every 1

unit of blood, 3 lives can potentially be saved. Therefore, the students and

staff of the school all came together to save about 216 lives, showing that

our school is able to have a major impact on the community around us.

Ms. Murphy commented that the most remarkable part for her is, “The

students of White Plains High School, despite the fact that they have never,

ever given in their entire lives, and don’t know how they will react, or are

maybe afraid of needles, still come down to save a life.”

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