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TEDxWP Winter Showcase


By Lauren Elmer

TEDXWhite Plains had its first ever showcase on Friday, January 10th. Six students shared TED Talks that they had been working on since September. The topics varied and included titles such as: "Gratitude in an Age of Instantaneous Gratification," "How Jazz Can Grow Your Mind," "The Importance of Multilingual Education," etc.

The event lasted through the entirety of lunch and the audience was comprised of teachers, students, administrators, and family members. Each talk was about 4-6 minutes long and presenters were able to make informed conclusions while telling fascinating stories. It was amazing to see the power of peer-to-peer education in a safe and collaborative environment.

TED offers the unique curriculum necessary to teach people important presentational and speech writing skills. It is important that these skills be emphasized in school because they are necessary in the workplace.

If you are interested in joining the club, meetings are on Thursdays during lunch in G122. Talk to Ms. Fahey or Ms. Rosenka if you have questions.

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