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By Kayla Brogan  

The junior varsity softball 2022 season was definitely one to remember. The JV softball team captured the title of undefeated league champions for the second consecutive year. This year’s team was stacked with plenty of experienced and skilled players.   

“Teams are about being motivated, dedicated, and communicating. The junior varsity softball team of 2022 fulfilled these attributes while also demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship within the team dynamic and towards our competition, leading to the title of undefeated league champions," said Coach Patricia Gilmartin. 

Coming into the season, the team felt confident, having some of the same players as last season as well as some new skilled players that made great contributions to the team. From the first time the team started practicing together in pre-season, everything seemed to be clicking. The JV team showed great character and skill, and everyone worked extremely well together.

Captain Lily Onorato expressed how she felt about the atmosphere of the team and some of the friendships that were developed. “We had a great season this year. One of the most important parts of being on a team is being able to work together. JV softball was special in that we have become friends both on and off the field, and I think that contributed a lot to our success in games,” she said.  

This team started the season off strong with a win against Clarkstown South High School with a score of 8-4. This game really demonstrated the communication skills and talent the team had. Coming home with a win definitely boosted the team’s confidence and the hopes for the rest of our season and next league game.  

The Tigers had 15 wins and one loss preceding the end of the season. Following Clarkstown South, the team went up against Scarsdale, Mamaroneck, and Ursuline, winning by a blowout. Offensively, the team put up a large number of runs with smart base-running skills and huge at bats. The team's pitchers led by 10th grader and captain Lily Onorato, 8th grader Neela Older, and 7th grader Alexis Tighe gave up few runs and helped our team defensively.  

The team played two league games against Port Chester and dominated both times. Following Port Chester was Fox Lane whom the Tigers played twice. The game the team played against Fox Lane was one of the more competitive league games. Although Fox Lane had great pitching and offensive skills, White Plains still won both league games with scores that shut them down.

The final league game was home against Ossining this past Wednesday. The Tigers had all around great defensive and offensive skills. Everyone had powerful at bats contributing again to White Plains outscoring Ossining.  

Throughout the season, Coach Gilmartin stressed communication on and off the field, and this year’s team definitely accomplished this task. Communication helps all the players on the field prepare for the next play or even help a teammate throw to the right base. Our captains, Maddie Delarosa, Antonella Capello, and Lily Onorato all helped anchor the team and encouraged them throughout the season.

I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the 2023 season. Hopefully White Plains will be league champions for a third year in a row.  

Let’s go White Plains Tigers!

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