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White Plains Holiday Market Delights Community Members  

 By: Kayla Brogan and Carissa Hazzard 


On Dec. 6, the White Plains Holiday Market opened for the third consecutive year. Court Street was transformed from a street that is popularly known in White Plains as the street adjacent to the City Center into a festive street for people across Westchester to gather to celebrate the holidays. This year there were over 40 vendors participating along with fun activities each day such as ice carving, candle making, and glass painting. The market was open from December 6 – 17. 


Melissa Tomlin, the creator of 914Popups (an event and retail concept in partnership with White Plains Business District), has brought this event to life to brighten the streets of White Plains during the holiday season. Regarding the search for vendors to participate in the market Melissa said, “I work with about 600 small businesses so I put it out there and matched the items people would like and shop for at the market. Then, you apply to be vendor and we pick from the list of applicants.” 


Each vendor was unique and catered to people of all ages and made perfect gifts to give to loved ones around the holiday season. One specific vendor that really caught our eye was a small business called “Salvage Sistas.” The owner working at the shop told us that their mission was to “give back to our planet by creating products in a thoughtful, creative, and sustainable way.” She said, “We take clothing, cut it up, and create mittens and headbands out of it. That is what we call up-cycling; creating something new out of already existing products.” 


Unfortunately, the tree lighting that takes place at the time of the holiday market was rescheduled due to inclement weather. However, the “Night Out with the Friends and 914PopUps Charity Partnership Event” made up for it. On December 14, the holiday market (open from 11pm-7pm) had a selection of vendors donate a percentage of sales back to the charity funds of White Plains Public Schools to help support academic and cultural enrichment programs.  


The market brings White Plains winter season spirit to life! Full of activities for all ages and gifts perfect for the holidays, the holiday market is the perfect place to spend a cold afternoon. Posted on the White Plains Business District website, you can make sure to be there for every music performance and never miss out on class opportunities or activities. If you need a break from the exhilaration of shopping, you can stop and play a board game or rest in one of the markets 8 igloos filled with chairs, blankets and decorations. Be prepared! You may also run into The Grinch or a snowman while walking throughout the booths.  


Make sure to stop by next year’s holiday market! 

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