By Guerdyna Gellin--
The end of a new quarter can be stressful and daunting, yet it can also be a relief. Many may still be adjusting to a brand new class and may not have achieved the goals they intended for that class, but a brand new quarter is a chance to improve upon the obstacles that prevented you from succeeding in that particular class. Here are four useful tricks to help you stay focused this quarter.
1. Keep a strong growth mindset
You should keep in mind that your quarter grade does not define you. If you did not obtain the grade you wanted, keep in mind that it can only improve from there. Hard work never fails to pay off.
2. Stay on Track
Since it’s the beginning of a new quarter, try and keep up with every assignment nightly, and turn your work in on time so it won’t pile up. It gets harder and harder to stay on track when you have so many overdo assignments.
3. Get Organized
I know this may be hard at times but getting organized is another efficient way to stay on track. It is suggested that you write all the assignments that are due in a planner, as well as keep a homework folder of all assignments that are due. That way you never lose track of what’s important. Being disorganized can lead you to be forgetful about where things are and unaware of when something is due.
4. Minimize your stress
I know on certain days it can get really stressful because you received a lot of work for that particular night, but being stressed out will not help the fact. It is important to take care of yourself and do things outside of schoolwork, even if it is a simple meditation. Stress can lead to lower grades. To minimize that try getting your work done earlier, so that way you’re not up until midnight, and you will get some time to yourself before you sleep. A win-win!
Every semester is a new opportunity to grow from the last. It is important to not let setbacks affect your learning and attentiveness. Now is the time to position yourself for a smooth and successful new quarter!