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Science Research Students Win Big at Somers Science Fair

By Eva Mandelbaum

The Science Research Program at WPHS is a pride and joy of the White Plains Community. In this three-year program beginning at the sophomore level, high school students have the opportunity to conduct graduate college-level science research experiments under the guidance of a professional mentor. Students create their own research plans, carry out their experiments, write professional research papers, and participate in science fairs throughout the three years.

8 of the 13 participating Science Research sophomores from White Plains were recognized with awards at this past Saturday's Somers Science Fair. According to the Somers Science Fair website, this fair is the only science research competition of its kind in NY that provides the opportunity for first-year science research students to present their intended research design in a formal setting.

This year's fair was held in-person at Somers High School, where over 500 students from 35 high schools presented posters of their proposed research. Join us in congratulations the following hardworking sophomores!

  • Lucas Rhode: 3rd Place Animal Science category

  • Kaitlyn Celentano: 1st Place Animal Science category

  • Lauren Garcia: 3rd Place Behavior Science category

  • Eleanor Beck: 2nd Place Behavior Science category

  • Alisha Ahmed: 1st Place Behavior Science category

  • Saumya Sawant: 1st Place Behavior Science category

  • Shanida Hasan: 3rd Place Medicine & Health category

  • Abigail Roman: 2nd Place Medicine & Health category

Students will have the opportunity to share their research experiences with members of the WP Community at the annual Science Research Symposium this Thursday, June 9th from 6-8 PM in the WPHS Media Center.

Ms. Fleming, the Science Research teacher, noted, “A huge thank you to the teachers, parents, and seniors who volunteered their time to judge at Saturday's fair. The fair would not be possible without your support, and it is very much appreciated!”

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