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Class of 2024 Updates

By Leah Dennis

The Class of 2024 recently had a fundraiser at Shake Shack. Thank you to everyone who stopped by! There was also a merchandise sale with “Dubset” spirit wear that should be arriving soon. For students who were not able to purchase anything this school year, keep an eye out in the fall for some pajama pants and hoodies! Another exciting happening for the Class of 2024 is the officer election, which is approaching in June. New students will be running for co-officer positions, so keep an eye out on remind so you can get your vote in! Sophomore students are also welcome to run for a position if interested in being involved with fundraising and school events. To run for a position, stop by room G001 to get a form which needs to be filled out. If having an officer position is too time consuming, students are welcome to be part of our fundraising committee which entails coming to general meetings and helping out with raising money for future events like Junior and Senior prom.

As 10th grade is coming to an end for the sophomores, it is important to get involved so that upperclassmen events such as proms and trips can be held! The more money that is raised, the less expensive these exciting events will be. For people who are involved in the fundraising committee this year, please be aware that every Tuesday for the rest of the school year you are welcome to attend the student government meetings in room G001. There will be another Double Good Popcorn fundraiser starting May 30, and going to June 4th. This is a very fun and easy way to raise money, and students can compete on the leaderboard to sell the most popcorn. Even though the school year is coming to a close soon, it is not too late to get involved!

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