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AVID Students Share their College and Career Knowledge

By Geremy Garcia

March 2, 2022

AVID, what is it? AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a nonprofit organization that changes lives by helping schools shift to a more equitable, student-centered approach. We are lucky to have an AVID Program here at White Plains High School. It helps students achieve their hopes and dreams by giving them the skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. AVID students show great potential and the program really leaves an impact on a student’s life and academic career.

On February 17th, AVID students in the 9th and 10th grade cohorts hosted an AVID College and Career Fair. Students in Ms. Simmons' AVID 9 class researched and presented information on over 40 colleges while Ms. Cykiert's AVID 10 students researched and shared what their dream job had to offer: aspects ranging from requirements for the job all the way to the pay.

Students were given a month to research and prepare a presentation on their chosen college or career. “It was very diverse in terms of the careers. Ranging from Chemist, FBI, Tattoo Artist, Neonatal Nurses, and Musicians.” says Ms. O'Rourke, a Special Ed Teacher. Ninth grade students used the College Board's "Big Future" tool to research and select colleges that were aligned with their wants, needs, and interests.

Overall, the AVID College and Career Fair experience was really great, and people got to learn more about their personal interests and their passions.

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